The elites of some countries granted themselves the right to usher the peoples of the world into promising future. Widely recognized as industrial i zed or developed , they have been doing so for a century or more by relentlessly promoting the ongoing socioeconomic model. The model seems to be incompetent. Presently, the peoples of the world are questioning their very existence feverishly looking for a clue of the sustainable development. One needs not to be an expert to realize that the economic model that assumes everlasting growth must end in a complete failure. For, "Nothing lasts forever." or, even, "Nothing grows forever." (the former is a result of the second and the latter of the first and second law of thermodynamics combined). Yet the very same is being celebrated as the only viable model as for building up a prosperous society. The criterion for ranking countries as for the quality of their economies is the measure of the eco...
Of course, I am amazed by the graciousness of this universe; particularly by the astonishing beauty of Earth, though thoroughly shaken by the power of humankind to act against reason and to be so destructive. However, all my attempts to recognize any special position for humans in the context of this world have failed. This universe is vast and long lasting enough to accommodate numerous incidents like the emergence of intelligent self-aware systems (ISA-Systems) here and there now and then. The relentless work of entropy makes every single human object eventually drop the communication with other objects of the domain. When it happens, it happens once and forever - humans say, "The object, A or B, has passed away." The termination is, as a rule, humiliating since it goes off hand in hand with the extreme sensation of fear and pain. That is why most of us feel uneasy even speculating about the certainty of experiencing our personal end. Therefore, from the perspecti...